Vinyasa Flow

An uplifting class to ease into the body, stimulate the nervous system, deepen the breath, and focus the mind. Each week, we explore a joyful, creative sequence of fluid movements that spiral through the body’s full range of motion with grace, ease, intention and curiosity. Awakened and refreshed, you’ll glide off the mat into the rest of your day! Variations and modifications are always offered along the way so that these classes are suitable for all levels.
Mandala Flow

A playful and dynamic practice that traces fluid circles around the mat to the rhythm of the breath. Every class is creatively sequenced to draw you away from the habitual physical patterns of daily life, shifting any stagnant energy whilst opening and strengthening the body in preparation for deeper and more challenging postures. The class begins and closes with gentle yin releases to compliment the physical and energetic effects of the flow: brightening, replenishing, or grounding as needed for a wonderfully well-rounded practice that both challenges and nurtures body and mind.
Rocket Yoga

The rocket sequence is based on ashtanga but gives you permission to play and be creative within it. For me, it's not about WHAT you do in this practice (no gymnastics necessary), but HOW you approach it. As the name suggests, it's an empowering practice that uplifts the energy, a real celebration of what it feels like to be alive, and an exploration of your own sense of vitality. You have options to challenge yourself, explore new possibilities, permission to fall over, and plenty of time and space to rest... all whilst breathing and connecting to and honouring where you're at each and every time.
Yin Yoga

An ideal supplement to more dynamic “yang” yoga practices, yin yoga consists of longer held positions that target the connective tissues (fascia) surrounding joints, muscles and ligaments, dramatically enhancing flexibility, stability and range of motion throughout the body. As you release deeper into each pose, the focus comes to rest on stillness of breath, body and mind, and being with sensation. Restorative breath and meditation techniques relax the mind, activating the calming parasympathetic nervous system to leave you feeling invigorated, lithe, spacious, and stress-free. These classes are suitable for all levels, with modifications available for those recovering from injury. Read a blogpost that I wrote about yin yoga here.
Flow to Restore

The perfect class to unravel from the stress and activity of your day. Gentle, flowing sequences spiral through the body’s full range of motion to release physical tension and cultivate space, ease and clarity, before softening into calming restorative and yin releases and blissful relaxation. Relaxed and replenished, you’ll float off the mat for a peaceful night’s rest.

Lynne accidentally stumbled into a yoga class at her gym a few years ago and immediately became an addict, believing that the power of yoga ultimately lies in enhancing our capacity to act and interact in the world. Her practice is accordingly joyful and life-affirming, all about exploring and celebrating the experience of being alive with a light-hearted curiosity and radical intention.
A self-described geek, Lynne came to yoga via studies in music and philosophy and as such her classes aim to empower students to connect, feel and transform. Her laid-back approach, warmth and compassion cultivates a space in which everyone can take whatever they need from their yoga - whether brightening, invigorating, soothing or replenishing - and then take that back out into life. Working at an energetic level, Lynne’s classes are creative, rhythmic and flowing, organically spiralling through movement, meditation and breath towards moments where you might just surprise yourself and even change what you believe to be possible. Particular attention is consistently paid to cultivating a powerful, smooth and calming breath, whilst taking delight in the interplay between invigorating challenge, gentle release and blissful relaxation.
Lynne enjoys practising and has completed extensive training in vinyasa, mandala, rocket, mindfulness meditation, and yin yoga, and brings aspects of all of these styles to her classes. In 2020, she is also completing further training in pre- and post-natal yoga and baby massage, and plans to commence studies towards a counselling qualification.